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Lenstec Inc Rebrands it’s Newly Approved Multifocal IOL to ClearView™ 3!


Lenstec Inc has announced that it has rebranded its new multifocal IOL, the SBL-3, to the ClearView™ 3. The IOL was approved by the FDA in July of 2022. The rebrand occurred to better describe the vision patients can expect with the new IOL.

Since approval, the ClearView 3 has been used by many surgeons across the United States. Both surgeon and patient feedback has been exceptional, with early post-operative outcomes meeting or exceeding the performance of previously approved multifocal IOLs. During the FDA trial and early commercial implant experience, the ClearView 3 has proven that its next generation proprietary design lends itself to excellent distance, intermediate and near visual acuities and a lower rate of dysphotopsias than existing premium IOL implants.

Become a ClearView 3 Surgeon

Contact the Lenstec team to find out how you can become a ClearView 3 Surgeon to help your patients improve their vision. ClearView 3 surgeons will be featured on our Surgeon Finder.

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